Our Unit Converter

The ESI Unit converter allows you to quickly and easily access a conversion tool to work out your preferred unit of pressure measurement wherever you may be. Whether out on-site or in the office.

ESI logo in white

Téléchargez le logiciel ESI-USB©

ESI-USB© Le logiciel vous permet de connecter votre transducteur ESI à votre ordinateur portable ou PC et d'être opérationnel en surveillant les données de pression en dix minutes. Le logiciel se met à jour automatiquement et est compatible avec Windows 8, 10 et 11.

The USB Pressure Transducer

Ongoing Success in 2011 for the ESI USB Pressure transducer……………

If you don’t already know about the ESI GS4200 USB, it is an innovative product designed to measure, analyse and record pressure directly onto your PC or laptop, reducing cost and time especially since the latest development allows you to measure upto 16 inputs simultaneously.

Our New & Exciting USB Pressure Transducer

The transducer is powered by the computers USB port; data is presented via the ESI-USB configurable software. It has instant connection with auto-detection, and the fast sample rate enables dynamic pressures to be measured with up to 21 bit resolution.

The application possibilities are endless, and while the product has proved tremendously popular since its launch, it can only go from strength to strength as ESI continue to develop the product even further in 2011.

Contact the ESI sales team to discover how this product can benefit your application.